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Developing a virtual school counseling program will enable students and families to remain connected to the school community. The CASC webinar “Key Educational Resources for Virtual School Counseling” presented by Dr. Rebecca Pianta and Beatrice Nguyen will provide strategies and tools to develop a comprehensive virtual school counseling program Powerpoint and Webinar Recording . In addition to developing their virtual school counseling program school counselors can support all students, families, and staff by developing a list of mental health resources for their community and advocating for that list to be published on the district/school websites as well as under the school counseling page.
Additional areas that school counselors can support the school community during distance learning include:
School counselors like teachers are essentially changing their delivery models overnight which is undoubtedly a stressful situation for all involved. However, a positive in this COVID-19 situation is the wealth of FREE professional development (PD) on the web. Consider sharing vetted PD sources and encourage school counselors to focus their PD in the most critical areas for these unprecedented times:
Vetted sources of PD include:
CASC, ASCA , Hatching Results, LLC, CASEL, Riverside County Education Collaborative (RCEC) , COELSC Virtual School Counseling Toolkit, Coalition to Support Grieving Students, and this site as well!
CASC and ASCA have provided guidance to school counselors on the topic of ethical guidance in relation to virtual school counseling. The ASCA Position Statement on Virtual School Counseling and FAQ Ethical Considerations in Virtual School Counseling are must reads. Crucial takeaways are:
School counselors are required to abide by FERPA, not HIPAA and any virtual platform school counselors implement should be approved by the district. Any school staff members providing Education Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) should consult with their LEA’s SELPA and legal council to ensure the virtual platform has HIPAA compliance.
Yes, school counselors can facilitate small groups, but how it looks may vary. Counseling in small groups should provide student and family information on the limitations of confidentiality. If the district required consent on campus then that same policy should be implemented in virtual counseling. We do not recommend that live group sessions be recorded as the recording will become a part of each student’s educational record. It’s vitally important to follow district policies. We also recommend that you consult with your legal council.
School counselors are encouraged to maximize their access to data within the student information system in order to analyze data from attendance, grades, and suspension as well as teacher referrals in the design of intentional interventions aligned with root causes. School counselors routinely advocate for discipline policies that nurture the development of appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes which may include the use of alternatives to suspension and restorative justice methods. Listed below are some approaches a school counselor may take in supporting positive behavior and improved school climate:
School Counselors Can Spend this time strengthening their program. Typical actions at this time of year would be to review end of year data, measure program success, create results reports to be shared with staff and school boards at an appropriate time. Plans for the 20-21 school year can also be underway and the following are some recommendations:
There is a plethora of FREE professional development (PD) that doesn’t pertain to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Suggestions for PD are:
Increase knowledge in ASCA Professional Standards & Competencies, ASCA’s Position Statements, and Ethical Guidelines for School Counselors
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Funded by the California Association of School Counselors
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