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Check back regularly for updates.
This website was created to provide School Counselors with resources to use as you work with families and caregivers during these uncertain times. We hope that you find value in what we have shared.
You may notice that your children are experiencing some pretty big ups and downs during this time. At one moment they are happy and playing and at the very next they are crying or screaming for what seems like no apparent reason. This can be very trying for us as parents- especially when our stresses/worries are also piled up and we are on edge. These BIG emotions and reactions are to be expected. Kids are processing what is going on at their own developmental level. This may lead to fear and worry which can come out as other emotions such as anger or sadness. As a parent, the best thing you can do during these times is to be a calming presence. Take deep breaths with them, take some quiet time together, give them a hug, say things like "It's okay to be upset- I'm here." Be that calm in your child's storm and teach them healthy coping mechanisms that will benefit them throughout their lives. And need to take care of yourselves as well, because, “You can’t pour from an empty cup” (Norm Kelly).
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Funded by the California Association of School Counselors
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